The Hotel Florist Podcast

How to Push Away Self-Doubt and Keep Moving Forward

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Self-doubt is something every entrepreneur, especially florists, faces at some point. Whether you’re questioning your abilities or feeling like you’re not doing enough, it can easily spiral into a mindset that holds you back. But here’s the truth: you do have control over the direction you choose to go.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to push away self-doubt, embrace the journey of entrepreneurship, and keep moving forward, even when the path feels uncertain. These strategies are ones I’ve used personally, and I hope they help you make empowered choices in your own business.

Recognize the Fork in the Road

Every day we face a fork in the road. One path leads to validation through victimhood, feeling like a failure, and questioning your progress. This is the side where self-doubt thrives. The other path is about accepting the journey for what it is—an ongoing process of learning, evolving, and growing.

The choice is always yours: stay stuck in self-doubt or move forward, understanding that entrepreneurship is not about a final destination, but about how we choose to experience the journey. There’s no finish line where someone hands you a medal and declares you successful. Success is a daily mindset, and it’s up to you to decide how you walk that path.

Give Yourself Permission to Feel, Then Pivot

Self-doubt will show up—it’s inevitable. But when it does, you can choose how you respond. Sometimes, we need to give ourselves permission to feel discouraged or frustrated. It’s okay to take a moment, a day, or even longer to feel those emotions. But don’t let yourself stay there. I would also recommend not asking for the sale on these days. You’ll show up with a whole different energy.

When you’re ready, pivot. Remind yourself why you started in the first place. Tell yourself that you didn’t come this far just to come this far. Every time self-doubt creeps in, see it as a signal to choose growth over stagnation. The more you practice this, the quicker you’ll bounce back.

Reframe Your Success Story

Often, we tie our self-worth to achievements—whether it’s reaching a certain income, landing more clients, or hitting business milestones. But success isn’t just about numbers. I had moments of self-doubt even after preparing for a major speaking event. I have a speaking coach for this because I choose to invest in mentorship. You can listen more about why that’s important here. My coach reminded me of how impactful my story was, but in my head, I questioned, “How does she know I’m successful?”

The truth is, we are successful every day. We just need to acknowledge it. Instead of tying your worth to external validation, look at the impact you’ve already made. The fact that you’ve built a business, pivoted when necessary, and keep showing up is success in itself. The next time doubt creeps in, remind yourself of how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished.

Embrace Failure as Part of the Process

New things often feel hard, but they aren’t necessarily difficult—they’re just new. Remember how long it took to master boutonnieres or bouquets when you first started? What once felt overwhelming now comes naturally. The same applies to every aspect of your business. With time and practice, the things that feel challenging today will eventually become second nature.

Failure isn’t a sign that you’re not good enough. It’s an opportunity to learn and grow. The sooner we stop seeing failure as a roadblock and start viewing it as a stepping stone, the more confident we’ll become in pushing past self-doubt.

Commit to the Bigger Vision

When I decided to pivot from operational work to focus on The Hotel Florist® full-time, I had many moments of doubt. I wasn’t seeing the immediate financial validation, and it was tempting to believe I had made a mistake. But each time those thoughts surfaced, I asked myself, “How can I be even more committed to the bigger vision?”

Your vision is bigger than any temporary setback. Whether it’s building stable income through hotel partnerships or creating impact through your work—focus on that vision. Every time you feel self-doubt pulling you down, recommit to that larger goal. Knowing that you cannot fail, only learn, will give you the strength to keep moving forward.


Self-doubt is inevitable, but how you handle it is what matters. You have the power to choose whether to stay stuck or to move forward with confidence. By reframing your success, giving yourself permission to feel, and committing to your bigger vision, you can push away self-doubt and continue building the business and life you desire. Remember: there is no finish line—just the journey of continual growth.

Already a florist and eager to expand into luxury hotels and create consistent income? Come join over 125 florists in the 7 Day Challenge! It’s packed with actionable insights to help you succeed.

Keep blooming,

PS: Did you know I have a bestselling book on working with hotels? It’s available on Amazon! If you’re on a budget you can learn more about what flowers to use, design mechanics and more with this!

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