When you’re working with long-term hotel and corporate accounts, landing the contract is just the beginning. One thing I learned through years of experience—and wish I’d known sooner—is how essential it is to prepare your clients for future price increases by keeping a record of cost-related updates and giving clients consistent, proactive communication. Here’s how […]
Floral design mechanics are a key part of the hotel floristry toolkit and can make or break the experience for guests encountering your designs. In this design mechanics podcast, we’ll explore the design strategies and techniques that create beautiful, lasting impressions for hotel clients, with insights drawn from floral expert collaborations and in-depth design elements. […]
Breaking into the hotel floristry space often feels daunting, but did you know you can start with hotels before the hotel even opens its doors? By approaching hotels during their pre-opening phase, you can position yourself as the go-to florist, building relationships before anyone else gets a chance. Here’s how to do it effectively. Want […]
When we’re aiming to secure major hotel accounts as florists, a common question arises. “Should I practice my approach 4-star hotels before targeting the big 5-star clients?“. While this might seem like a safe strategy, it can often end up delaying the real connections and opportunities we’re truly after. Below, let’s explore the pros and […]
Many of us have been there, wanting to take the next step in our careers or pursue a dream that’s been dormant for too long. But right as we’re about to leap, an unwelcome voice surfaces, asking, “Why would it work now if it never has?” This nagging thought can keep us from trying and […]
For florists, hearing “we’ve decided to go in another direction” from a hotel or luxury brand can sting. Rejection. It’s a tough pill to swallow in any business, especially when you’ve invested time, resources, and creativity into securing a client. It’s easy to internalize these rejections, turning them into questions of self-worth or ability. However, […]
For florists interested in breaking into the luxury retail market, working with high-end brands like Chanel or Tiffany can bring fantastic opportunities, but it also has unique challenges. One key difference between luxury retail and hotel clients is the structure of payments and contracts. Unlike hotels, where clients often operate on monthly payments or contracts, […]
When people ask me how to become more confident, I always share that confidence is simply compounded courage. It comes from the small, steady steps we take despite our fears, growing every time we show up for ourselves. Most of us want confidence to appear fully formed—like wanting a lush garden without the planting, watering, […]
Core beliefs shape every aspect of our lives. You could have the perfect strategy and all the tools you need for success right in front of you, but if your core beliefs don’t support that strategy, you’ll constantly feel stuck. That’s why it’s essential to understand the subconscious beliefs you carry and how they affect […]