The Hotel Florist Podcast

If You’re Worried About Needing a Team First—Listen to This!

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One of the biggest fears that many florists and creative entrepreneurs face when aiming to land corporate or hotel clients is the belief that they need a team before they can take on such big opportunities. But let me tell you something—this kind of thinking is holding you back. If you’re worried about needing a team first, this message is for you: Figure out the buffet first, then figure out how to eat it.

In other words, don’t waste time trying to build something that doesn’t exist yet. Once you land that dream client, you’ll figure out what comes next—quickly. Here’s how to break out of that limiting mindset and go after the big wins in your business, even if you feel underprepared.

The Saboteur Energy:

Many of us spin stories that block our own progress. We think we have to have all the pieces in place before we make a move. “I need a team before I can handle a corporate client,” or “I need more experience before I pitch to a hotel.” This is what I call saboteur energy. It’s the fear-based thinking that stops you from showing up in the world and going after what you want.

If your goal is to secure a hotel or corporate client, but you’re stuck worrying about not having the resources or team to handle it, you’re channeling your energy in the wrong direction. Worry is like taking out interest on a loan that you never took. It’s completely irrelevant and a waste of time, preventing you from showing up as your best self.

Move Into Magician Energy:

The way to overcome this saboteur energy is by stepping into what I call magician energy. The belief that you, and only you, are the key to your success. You’re not going to be given anything you can’t handle. When you land that client, you’ll either have insane success or learn a valuable lesson that prepares you for your next big step. When you land that client, that’s when you need to hire a team.

Successful people know this truth—they don’t wait until everything is perfect before they act. They take the leap, knowing they’ll figure it out as they go. You are a trailblazer, not someone who waits on the sidelines. You’re here to do things differently, to innovate, and to grow through experience.

Figure Out the Client, Then Build the Team:

Here’s the reality: once you land that hotel or corporate client, then you can focus on building the team. The opportunity will give you the motivation and resources you need to expand. The idea that you need to have everything figured out in advance is just a way to avoid facing your fears.

Remember, you are the magician in your business. Trust yourself, take the leap, and know that you’ll figure out what’s next—because you will.

If you’re in this step currently and you want to dive deep on how to hire and manage remote teams, The Hotel Florist Profit Method has a whole module on this exact thing. Check it out here.

Recently, we did a challenge that covered how to pitch holiday decor to hotel clients and one thing we discussed was making sure we’re hiring correctly for the holidays. This guide goes over just that.


Stop letting the fear of not being ready hold you back from landing the clients you deserve. The successful people in this world didn’t wait until everything was perfect—they stepped into the unknown, trusted themselves, and figured it out as they went. You can do the same. You are a trailblazer, a magician, and you already have everything you need to succeed. If you enjoyed this blog, Episode 19 on The Hotel Florist® podcast will be a great listen for you!

Already a florist and eager to expand into luxury hotels and create consistent income? Check out our free masterclass! It’s packed with actionable insights to help you succeed.

Keep blooming,

PS: Did you know I have a bestselling book on working with hotels? It’s available on Amazon!

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  1. […] For example, I posted a job for a master gardener and hired her to handle the garden side of things. This allowed me to focus on what I do best—floral design and client relationships. If you’re worried about just starting out with hotels and not having a team, this is a great blog to read! […]

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