The Hotel Florist Podcast

What to say when you feel the hotel isn’t prioritizing flowers

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As a florist pursuing hotel clients, you’ll inevitably come across situations where the florals (or lack thereof) in a hotel lobby leave you questioning if the hotel isn’t prioritizing flowers. Maybe you’ve researched the hotel online and seen stunning floral arrangements in their marketing photos, only to arrive in person and find mismatched, outdated arrangements—or no flowers at all.

While this might initially feel discouraging, this is an opportunity to demonstrate your value and start building a relationship with the hotel. Here’s how to approach the situation with confidence and curiosity, turning what could feel like a roadblock into a stepping stone.

Listen to the full podcast episode here.

Step 1: Do Your Research

Before walking into a hotel, do some homework. Explore their website, social media, and any available marketing materials to understand their branding and aesthetic. Are there florals featured in their photos? If so, take note of the style, placement, and cohesiveness.

But remember: the online presence might not match reality. Sometimes hotels feature renderings or photos of florals that no longer exist. By understanding this discrepancy, you’re better prepared to approach the general manager (GM) with valuable insight.

Step 2: Lead with Curiosity, Not Criticism

If the hotel isn’t prioritizing flowers or what they have feels lackluster, approach the GM with curiosity rather than judgment. For example, you might say:

“I noticed on your website that there are beautiful florals featured in the lobby renderings, but I didn’t see them reflected when I walked in. Is there a specific reason for that? I imagine guests might notice this difference, too.”

This opens the door for the GM to explain without feeling defensive. Their answer could reveal a range of opportunities, from a florist leaving unexpectedly to a budget reevaluation.

Step 3: Position Yourself as the Solution

Once you’ve gathered information, position yourself as the expert who can solve their problem. If they express dissatisfaction with their current floral vendor, you can highlight your ability to meet their needs. For example:

  • “I specialize in creating cohesive floral experiences that align with a hotel’s brand image and standards.”
  • “I understand how important it is for flowers to be fresh and consistently beautiful throughout the week.”

Use this moment to start building trust, even if it doesn’t lead to an immediate contract. Relationships in the hospitality industry are more important than quick results.

Step 4: Build Relationships and a Database

Landing a hotel account is rarely a one-meeting process. Your first job is to make connections, not necessarily close deals. Treat these initial conversations as steps toward a long-term relationship which can pay off in the long run!

Create a database of the hotels in your area, including details like the current florist, contract status, and decision-makers. This database becomes your roadmap, ensuring you follow up strategically and maintain relationships with key players. Or just use mine which you’ll find inside the Hotel Florist Profit Method along with other significant resources.

Step 5: Stay Persistent and Positive

If you don’t see immediate results, don’t get discouraged. Not seeing flowers in the lobby isn’t a dead end—it’s an open door. As you build relationships and stay top of mind, opportunities will arise, sometimes in unexpected ways. I dive in deeper on setbacks and getting your foot in the door in this blog: How I Navigated Landing My First Hotel Account

Soon you will be landing that first hotel account! If you want more support today to do just that, check out The Starter Kit! 

Already a florist and eager to expand into luxury hotels and create consistent income? Come join over 135 florists in the 7 Day Challenge! It’s packed with actionable insights to help you succeed.

Keep blooming, Franceska

PS: Did you know I have a bestselling book on working with hotels? It’s available on Amazon! Discover the “cliff-notes” of our high level mentorship experience, the Hotel Florist Profit Method, where you can learn more about what flowers to use, design mechanics and more on this topic!

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Put your best foot forward with The Hotel Florist™ Starter Kit that is going to jump start your confidence working with hotels and land you a meeting discussing your next steps as the hotel’s inhouse florist.

Are you ready for your quick win?

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